From London to Vermont: A Student's Exchange Year

Ever wondered what happens when an English guy lands in the U.S. for an exchange year?

My 2016-2017 University of Vermont adventure was a whirlwind of accents, wild parties, and a fitness epiphany.

Touching down in Vermont, the Green Mountain State, was like stepping into a different world compared to south London. My English accent? To my surprise, it was an instant sensation.

I could practically see the intrigue in people's eyes when I spoke.

The excitement hit me, and I was ready to soak in every bit of this new experience.

Life at the university was a constant stream of parties, late-night hangouts, drinking, smoking, and chatting up girls. Academically, I was coasting with Bs, but the real education and life experience happened outside the classroom—it was the first time I was exposed to these places and people.

Initially, the university food seemed diverse enough, but it soon became repetitive as it was the same weekly dishes. My diet suffered—protein took a backseat, and I was barely scraping by on maintenance calories.

Gym sessions were a part of my routine, but they lacked direction. I was unaware of the principles of progressive overload or structured training. It was more showing up than actually making progress.

Then came the day I stepped onto the scale. The number, 68.5kg, was a jolt.

At 178cm, I wasn't at a health risk, but it was the thinnest I had ever been. The realisation hit hard—my non-stop partying lifestyle was chipping away at my health.

That moment was my wake-up call, a lesson that resonates with me even now. I learned the importance of balance—enjoying life while maintaining health. It's not just about hitting the gym or eating a salad now and then; it's about making conscious choices daily, from diet to relaxation.

Do I regret that year? Absolutely not. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, an unforgettable chapter of being an exchange student in the U.S. But looking back, I wish I had a bit of a better balance.

Here's my takeaway: Have fun, but keep sight of self-care. Day-to-day, it might not seem like your lifestyle choices are significant. But eventually, their impact can hit you hard and unexpectedly. Finding that balance is vital to feeling and performing your best.

This philosophy is what I now emphasise in my 1-2-1 online fitness coaching. It's all about enjoying life while staying fit and healthy—you can have the best of both worlds.

Speak soon,


P.S. Pictures below are the following:

  • A conversation with my roommate from The Bronx, in which I forgot London slang wouldn't be understood in the U.S.

  • One of the many random SnapChats taken of me to do with being British.

  • My first trip to Popeye's in East Williamsburg when I visited New York City.

  • A before and after picture. The before was taken on a trip to see a friend in Rhode Island during the year. The after is more recent.

  • A polaroid taken whilst chilling in a friend’s dorm room.

London Slang
Morley's Chicken
University of Vermont
Exchange Student Vermont
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